Beckwith Computers & Electronics

Beckwith Electronics
Hamburg, Illinois 62045 (USA)
(618) 232-1139
(618) 232-1172 fax

Our LinesSalesData Sheets

We also do Custom Electronic Design and Prototyping
Incorporating the Latest in MicroProcessor Technology

The above incorporated Atmel MicroProcessors
ATtiny13 & ATtiny24

Aim ElectronicsAim 
American Cord Set (formerly NAN)(Call for Sales) 
Aries ElectronicsAriesAries
Block MasterBlockmasterBlockmaster
Circuit AssemblyCircuit Assembly 
CZ LabsCZ Labs 
EAO SwitchEAO 
Elina / Indek FansElina / Indek 
Hirschmann / Belden(Call for Sales)Hirschmann
Nidec / Hurst Motors(Call for Sales)Hurst
ICC IntervoxICC Intervox 
Kester SolderKester Solder 
Krista ElectronicsKrista Electronics 
International Wire(Call for Sales) 
LumexLumex LEDs 
Moody Tools / Central Tools(Call for Sales)Moody
Norcomp / Tex-TechsNorcomp / Tex-TechsNorcomp / Tex-Techs
Ora ElectronicsOra Electronics 
Power DynamicsPower DynamicsPower Dynamics
Premier MetalPremier MetalPremier Metal
Value Added
Custom Cables
Custom Belts

Let us quote you on your Project, just give us a call.

No Job too small.


IP Ratings

We provide the following Value Added features:
Custom Design - Prototyping - Custom Cables

Component Sales Our Line Card of Our Manufacturers. Start Your Browsing Here

Educational Software

We accept PayPal payments.

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Business hours M-F 8 am to 5 pm ct.