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Power Dynamics, Inc.


Power Dynamics, Inc. Collet Knobs are designed to enhance the appearance and function of panel instruments and audio/video equipment. All PDI Knobs have an exclusive mounting feature using the same tightening principal as a drill chuck, which tightens on the complete 360° surface of the shaft. Once tightened, a vise-like grip is maintained without the use of a set-screw eliminating the need for re-calibration thus attributing to a long service life and an excellent fit on the shaft. All PDI Knobs have pre-loaded collets. Simply push on and tighten!

All standard Knobs, Caps and Accessories (including matte finish) are produced from polyamide. The metalized knobs are made of galvanically nickel-plated ABS. The transparent dials are made of SAN. Brass 58 is used for the collets, sleeves and nuts. The surface of the screw and washer is protected against corrosion while the temperature stability with normal mechanical stresses is -20°-+70°C.

Power Dynamics, Inc. also offers an extensive line of Binding Posts available in eight colors. PDI Binding Posts are used for 4mm plug and wire connection up to 2mm in diameter. All Binding Posts include a locking device, captive insulation against electric shock, and can be fitted to front plates up to 6mm in thickness. All plastic parts are made of Polyamide. Please call Beckwith Electronics for specifications and ordering codes.

Collet Knobs are available in standard or matte finish with a choice of four colors and aluminum finishes. All knobs in the catalog marked "Aluminum" refer to Aluminum FINISH Only!

Caps are available in three models: Flat, Peaked and Curved. All caps are available in eight colors in standard or matte finish. Flat Caps can also be furnished with an indicator line, straight or curved arrow or with an aluminum disc. Peaked Caps are available with a pointer and Curved Caps are available with a line. Special colors and markings are available upon request. Caps easily snap into a defined position on top of the knob.

A large selection of figure dials for indexing angles of 27°30', 30°, 36°, and 60° , together with colored discs dispense with the need for expensive manufacturing of special units.

Power Dynamics, Inc. has created easy-to-use Knob and Accessory Ordering Codes. Unless otherwise specified within, each knob and accessory part number consists of seven digits. Each individual digit or set of digits represent a specific particle of that particular knob or accessory.
  • The first two digits (first box) of the ordering code represent the knob or accessory style. For example, the number '21' represents a 'Standard Knob with a line'.
  • The third and fourth digits (second box) of the ordering code represent the size of the knob or accessory. For example, the number '15' represents a 15mm diameter.
  • The fifth and sixth digits (third box) either represent the shaft/collet size of a knob or the finish of an accessory. For example, the number '30' represents a 3mm shaft diameter of a knob.
  • Lastly, the seventh digit (fourth box) of the ordering code represents the color of the knob or accessory. For example, the number 3 represents the color black.

    Free samples available upon request.

Collet Knobs & Accessories
Standard Knobs
StyleO/C - Knob DiameterO/C - Shaft DiameterO/C ColorO/C
Standard Knob20 08mm (.31)08 3mm30 Aluminum0
Standard Matte Finish26 10mm (.39)10 1/8"31 Lt. Gray1
Standard with a Line21 13mm (.51)13 4mm40 Gray2
Standard Matte Finish with a Line27 15mm (.59)15 6mm60 Black3
21mm (.82)21 1/4"61 Red4
28mm (1.10)28 Example


(Standard, 10mm, 1/8", Gray)

36mm (1.42)36
45mm (1.77)45



8mm.49 (12.5).28 (7.0).31 (8.0)
10mm.55 (14.0).18 (4.5).39 (10.0)
13mm.61 (15.4).35 (8.8).51 (13.0)
15mm.64 (16.3).26 (6.5).59 (15.0)
21mm.69 (17.5).38 (9.5).82 (21.0)
28mm.72 (18.3).41 (10.3)1.10 (28.0)
36mm.73 (18.5).42 (10.7)1.42 (36.0)
45mm.75 (19.0).43 (11.0)1.77 (45.0)

O/C = Ordering Code Note: 6mm and 1/4" shaft diameters not available with the 8mm and 10mm Knobs. 3mm and 1/8" shaft diameters not available with the 28mm Knobs. 3mm, 1/8" and 4mm shaft diameters not available with the 36mm and 45mm Knobs. Aluminum Knobs are not available with a standard finish. Coaxial Collets available upon request. Please contact Beckwith Electronics for ordering codes.

Wing Knobs
StyleO/C - Knob DiameterO/C - Shaft DiameterO/C ColorO/C
Wing Knob22 08mm (.31)08 3mm30 Aluminum0
Wing Matte Finish28 10mm (.39)10 1/8"31 Lt. Gray1
Wing with a Line23 13mm (.51)13 4mm40 Gray2
Wing Matte Finish with a Line29 15mm (.59)15 6mm60 Black3
21mm (.82)21 1/4"61 Red4
28mm (1.10)28 Example


(Wing, 10mm, 1/8", Gray)

36mm (1.42)36



8mm.49 (12.5).28 (7.0).31 (8.0).39 (9.8)
10mm.55 (14.0).20 (5.2).39 (10.0).47 (11.9)
13mm.61 (15.4).35 (8.8).51 (13.0).61 (15.6)
15mm.64 (16.3).26 (6.5).59 (15.0).70 (17.7)
21mm.69 (17.5).38 (9.5).82 (21.0).98 (25.0)
28mm.72 (18.3).41 (10.3)1.10 (28.0)1.30 (33.0)
36mm.73 (18.5).42 (10.7)1.42 (36.0)1.67 (42.5)

O/C = Ordering Code Note: 6mm and 1/4" shaft diameters not available with the 8mm and 10mm Knobs. 3mm and 1/8" shaft diameters not available with the 28mm Knobs. 3mm, 1/8" and 4mm shaft diameters not available with the 36mm Knobs. Aluminum Knobs are not available with a standard finish. Coaxial Collets available upon request. Please contact Beckwith Electronics for ordering codes.

Arrow Knobs
StyleO/C - Knob DiameterO/C - Shaft DiameterO/C ColorO/C
Arrow Knob18 10mm (.39)10 3mm30 Aluminum0
Arrow Matte Finish16 15mm (.59)15 1/8"31 Lt. Gray1
Arrow with a Line19 21mm (.82)21 4mm40 Gray2
Arrow Matte Finish with a Line17 28mm (1.10)28 6mm60 Black3
  1/4"61 Red4


(Arrow, 10mm, 1/8", Gray)

10mm.55 (14.0).20 (5.2).39 (10.0).30 (7.5)
15mm.64 (16.3).26 (6.5).59 (15.0).45 (11.5)
21mm.69 (17.5).38 (9.5).82 (21.0).65 (16.5)
28mm.72 (18.3).41 (10.3)1.10 (28.0).87 (22.0)

O/C = Ordering Code Note: 6mm and 1/4" shaft diameters not available with the 10mm Knobs. 3mm, 1/8" and 4mm shaft diameters not available with the 28mm Knobs. Aluminum Knobs are not available with a standard finish. Coaxial Collets available upon request. Please contact Beckwith Electronics for ordering codes.

Knurled Knobs
StyleO/C - Knob DiameterO/C - Shaft DiameterO/C ColorO/C
Knurled Matte Finish26 10mm (.39)10 3mm30 Lt. Gray1
Knurled with a Line27 15mm (.59)15 1/8"31 Gray2
  4mm40 Black3
6mm60 Red4

26-10-312 BV278

(Knurled Matt Finish, 10mm, 1/8", Gray, Suffix)

10mm.54 (13.7).18 (4.5).39 (10.0)
15mm.64 (16.3).26 (6.5).59 (15.0)

O/C = Ordering Code Note: 6mm and 1/4" shaft diameters not available with the 10mm Knobs. All ordering codes for Knurled Knobs end with BV278. Coaxial Collets available upon request. Please contact Beckwith Electronics for ordering codes.

Lo-Profile Standard Knobs
StyleO/C - Knob DiameterO/C - Shaft DiameterO/C ColorO/C
Lo-Profile Standard Knob60 15mm (.59)15 3mm30 Lt. Gray1
Lo-Profile Matte Finish66 21mm (.82)21 1/8"31 Gray2
Lo-Profile with a Line61 28mm (1.10)28 4mm40 Black3
Lo-Profile Matte Finish with a Line67 36mm (1.42)36 6mm60 Red4





60-15-312 BV 204

(Lo-Profile Standard, 15mm, 1/8", Gray, Suffix)

15mmcontact Beckwith Electronics for Specifications
21mm.53 (13.5).05 (1.2).82 (21.0).65 (16.5)
28mm.54 (13.8).06 (1.5)1.10 (28.0).87 (22.0)
36mm.55 (14.0).07 (1.8)1.42 (36.0)1.18 (30.0)

O/C = Ordering Code Note: 3mm and 1/8" shaft diameters not available with the 28mm Knobs. 3mm, 1/8" and 4mm shaft diameters not available with the 36mm Knobs. All cap orders for the Lo-Profile Knobs must include the "BV 204" at the end of the ordering code. Lo-Profile Knobs are 20% shorter in height than the Standard Knobs. Coaxial Collets available upon request. Please contact Beckwith Electronics for ordering codes.

Lo-Profile Wing Knobs
StyleO/C - Knob DiameterO/C - Shaft DiameterO/C ColorO/C
Lo-Profile Wing Knob62 15mm (.59)15 3mm30 Lt. Gray1
Lo-Profile Matte Finish68 21mm (.82)21 1/8"31 Gray2
Lo-Profile with a Line63 28mm (1.10)28 4mm40 Black3
Lo-Profile Matte Finish with a Line69 36mm (1.42)36 6mm60 Red4





62-15-312 BV 204

(Lo-Profile Wing, 15mm, 1/8", Gray, Suffix)

15mm.52 (13.2).24 (6.2).59 (15.0).70 (17.7)
21mm.53 (13.5).05 (1.2).82 (21.0).98 (25.0)
28mm.54 (13.8).06 (1.5)1.10 (28.0)1.3 (33.0)
36mm.55 (14.0).07 (1.8)1.42 (36.0)1.67 (42.5)

O/C = Ordering Code Note: 3mm and 1/8" shaft diameters not available with the 28mm Knobs. 3mm, 1/8" and 4mm shaft diameters not available with the 36mm Knobs. All cap orders for the Lo-Profile Knobs must include the "BV 204" at the end of the ordering code. Lo-Profile Knobs are 20% shorter in height than the Standard Wing Knobs. Coaxial Collets available upon request. Please contact Beckwith Electronics for ordering codes.

Push-On Knobs
StyleO/C - Knob DiameterO/C - Shaft DiameterO/C ColorO/C
Push-On Knob76 10mm (.39)10 3mm30 Lt. Gray1
Push-On with a Line77 15mm (.59)15 1/8"31 Black3
21mm (.82)21 4mm40  
28mm (1.10)28 6mm60


(Push-On Standard, 15mm, 1/8", Black)

10mm.54 (13.8).33 (8.3).39 (10.0)
15mm.64 (16.3).44 (11.2).59 (15.0)
21mm.69 (17.5).44 (11.2).82 (21.0)
28mm.71 (18.0).44 (11.2)1.10 (28.0)

O/C = Ordering Code Note: 6mm and 1/4" shaft diameters not available with the 10mm Knobs. 3mm shaft diameters not available with the 15mm Knobs. 3mm and 1/8" shaft diameters not available with the 21mm Knobs. 3mm, 1/4", and 4mm shaft diameters not available with the 26mm Knobs.

Concentric Knobs
1Flat Cap 15mm, matte finish, light gray30-15-101
2Standard Knob 15mm, matte finish, black, collet 1/8" Dia.26-15-313
3Intermediate Cap 21mm, matte finish, light gray38-21-101
4Wing Knob 21mm, with line, matte finish, black, coaxial collet 1/4" Dia.29-21-753
5Flat Cap 28mm, matte finish, light gray30-21-101
6Lo-Profile Standard Knob 15mm, matte finish, black, collet 1/8" Dia.66-21-373
7Intermediate Cap 28mm, matte finish, light gray38-28-101
8Lo-Profile Wing Knob 28mm, matte finish, black, coaxial collet 1/4" Dia.68-28-753

O/C = Ordering Code Note: Box Spanner, Slotted Nut and Intermediate Caps available for Concentric Knobs. Concentric Collets available for Concentric Knobs. Please contact Beckwith Electronics for ordering codes.

Knob Accessories: Flat Caps
StyleO/C - Cap SizeO/C - FinishO/C ColorO/C
Flat Cap30 08mm (.31)08 Standard00 Lt. Gray1
Aluminum Disk35 10mm (.39)10 Standard Matte Finish10 Gray2
13mm (.51)13 Standard with a Line01 Black3
15mm (.59)15 Standard Matte Finish with a Line11 Red4
21mm (.82)21 Standard with a Curved Arrow02 Blue5
28mm (1.10)28 Standard Matte Finish with a Curved Arrow12 Blue5
36mm (1.42)36 Standard with an Arrow03 Yellow6
45mm (1.77)45 Standard Matte Finish with an Arrow13 Green7





(Flat Cap, 21mm, Curved Arrow, Gray)

8mm.09 (2.3).03 (0.8).28 (7.0).24 (6.0)
10mm.22 (5.5).04 (1.0).32 (8.1).29 (7.4)
13mm.10 (2.5).05 (1.25).43 (10.8).37 (9.4)
15mm.24 (6.0).05 (1.2).49 (12.5).46 (11.6)
21mm.20 (5.0).06 (1.5).73 (18.5).61 (15.4)
28mm.20 (5.0).06 (1.5).96 (24.5).85 (21.6)
36mm.20 (5.0).08 (2.0)1.28 (32.5)1.11 (28.3)
45mm.21 (5.3).09 (2.2)1.61 (41.0)1.48 (37.5)

O/C = Ordering Code Note: Flat caps with an aluminum disk are not available in 8mm, 13mm and 45mm. Caps with an aluminum disk are availabel in Lt. Gray, Gray, Black and red only. All cap orders for Lo-Profile Knobs must include "BV 204" at the end of the ordering code.

Knob Accessories: Peaked Caps
StyleO/C - Cap SizeO/C - FinishO/C ColorO/C
Peaked Cap31 10mm (.39)10 Peaked00 Lt. Gray1
13mm (.51)13 Peaked Matte Finish10 Gray2
15mm (.59)15 Peaked with a Pointer04 Black3
21mm (.82)21 Peaked Matte Finish with a Pointer14 Red4
28mm (1.10)28   Blue5
36mm (1.42)36 Yellow6





(Peaked Cap, 10mm, with a Pointer, Gray)

10mm.22 (5.5).04 (1.0).32 (8.1).29 (7.4)
13mm.10 (2.5).06 (1.6).43 (10.8).37 (9.4)
15mm.24 (6.0).07 (1.9).49 (12.5).46 (11.6)
21mm.20 (5.0).11 (2.8).73 (18.5).61 (15.4)
28mm.20 (5.0).13 (3.3).96 (24.5).85 (21.6)
36mm.20 (5.0).18 (4.5)1.28 (32.5)1.11 (28.3)

O/C = Ordering Code Note: All cap orders for Lo-Profile Knobs must include "BV 204" at the end of the ordering code.

Knob Accessories: Curved Caps
StyleO/C - Cap SizeO/C - FinishO/C ColorO/C
Curved32 10mm (.39)10 Curved00 Lt. Gray1
13mm (.51)13 Curved Matte Finish10 Gray2
15mm (.59)15 Curved with a Line01 Black3
21mm (.82)21 Curved Matte Finish with a Line11 Red4
28mm (1.10)28   Blue5
36mm (1.42)36 Yellow6
45mm (1.77)45 Green7





(Curved Cap, 10mm, with a Line, Gray)

10mm.22 (5.5).02 (0.6).32 (8.1).29 (7.4)
13mm.10 (2.5).05 (1.3).43 (10.8).37 (9.4)
15mm.24 (6.0).05 (1.2).49 (12.5).46 (11.6)
21mm.20 (5.0).05 (1.2).73 (18.5).61 (15.4)
28mm.20 (5.0).05 (1.2).96 (24.5).85 (21.6)
36mm.20 (5.0).06 (1.5)1.28 (32.5)1.11 (28.3)
45mm.21 (5.3).08 (2.0)1.61 (41.0)1.48 (37.5)

O/C = Ordering Code Note: All cap orders for Lo-Profile Knobs must include "BV 204" at the end of the ordering code.

Knob Accessories: Arrows
StyleO/C - Arrow SizeO/C - FinishO/C ColorO/C
Arrow40 8mm (.31)08 Standard Arrow00 Lt. Gray1
10mm (.39)10 Arrow Matte Finish10 Gray2
13mm (.51)13   Black3
15mm (.59)15 Red4
21mm (.82)21 Blue5
28mm (1.10)28 Yellow6
36mm (1.42)36 Green7
45mm (1.77)45 Example


(Arrow, 10mm, Arrow Matte Finish, Gray)



8mm.05 (1.3).28 (7.0).03 (0.8).21 (5.4)
10mm.07 (1.8).31 (8.0).03 (0.8).24 (6.0)
13mm.07 (1.9).37 (9.5).04 (1.0).33 (8.5)
15mm.08 (2.0).41 (10.5).05 (1.2).33 (8.5)
21mm.08 (2.0).58 (14.7).05 (1.3).65 (16.5)
28mm.09 (2.3).73 (18.5).05 (1.3).68 (17.3)
36mm.11 (2.7).91 (23.0).05 (1.3)1.02 (26.0)
45mm.11 (2.9)1.10 (28.0).05 (1.2)1.38 (35.0)

O/C = Ordering Code

Knob Accessories: Nut Covers
StyleO/C - Cover SizeO/C - FinishO/C ColorO/C
Nut Cover48 10mm (.39)10 Standard Nut Cover00 Lt. Gray1
13mm (.51)13 Standard Matte Finish10 Gray2
15mm (.59)15 Standard with a Line01 Black3
  Standard Matte Finish with a Line11 Red4
Standard with a Line for Wing Knobs02  
Standard Matte Finish w/Line (Wing Knobs)12
Standard with a Pointer03
Standard Matte Finish with a Pointer13
Standard with a Pointer for Wing Knobs04
Standard Matte Finish with/Pointer (Wing Knobs)14


(Standard, 10mm, Matte Finish, Gray)

10mmContact Beckwith Electronics for Specifications

O/C = Ordering Code Note: The Nut Cover with a Pointer (Standard and Matte Finish) is not available in 13mm.

Knob Accessories: Arrow Dials
StyleO/C - Dial SizeO/C - FinishO/C ColorO/C
Arrow Dial45 08mm (.31)08 Standard Arrow Dial01 Lt. Gray1
10mm (.39)10 Standard Matte Finish11 Gray2
13mm (.51)13 Standard with a Line02 Black3
15mm (.59)15 Standard Matte Finish with a Line12 Red4
21mm (.82)21 Example


(Arrow Dial, 21mm, with a Line, Gray)

28mm (1.10)28
36mm (1.42)36
45mm (1.77)45
8mm.05 (1.3).67 (17.0).21 (5.4)
10mm.06 (1.5).83 (21.0).24 (6.0)
13mm.08 (2.0).98 (25.0).32 (8.2)
15mm.12 (3.0)1.08 (27.5).36 (9.2)
21mm.98 (2.5)1.42 (36.0).65 (16.5)
28mm.11 (2.7)1.73 (44.0).71 (18.0)
36mm.12 (2.9)2.09 (53.0)1.03 (26.2)
45mm.13 (3.2)2.56 (65.0)1.38 (35.0)

O/C = Ordering Code

Knob Accessories: Figure Dials
StyleO/C - Dial SizeO/C - FinishO/C ColorO/C
Figure Dial46 08mm (.31)08 Figure Dial with no numbers00 Clear0
10mm (.39)10 Figure Dial: 0-11, 30°01  
13mm (.51)13 Figure Dial: 1-12, 30°02
15mm (.59)15 Figure Dial: 0-9, 36°03
21mm (.82)21 Figure Dial: 1-10, 36°04
28mm (1.10)28 Figure Dial: 0-5, 60°05
36mm (1.42)36 Figure Dial: 1-13, 27°30'6
45mm (1.77)45 Figure Dial with a Curved Arrow10
  Figure Dial with a Line11


(Figure Dial, 21mm, with a Line, Clear)

8mm.05 (1.3).67 (17.0).21 (5.4)
10mm.06 (1.5).83 (21.0).24 (6.0)
13mm.08 (2.0).98 (25.0).32 (8.2)
15mm.12 (3.0)1.08 (27.5).36 (9.2)
21mm.98 (2.5)1.42 (36.0).65 (16.5)
28mm.11 (2.7)1.73 (44.0).71 (18.0)
36mm.12 (2.9)2.09 (53.0)1.03 (26.2)
45mm.13 (3.2)2.56 (65.0)1.38 (35.0)

O/C = Ordering Code

Knob Accessories: Stators
StyleO/C - Stator SizeO/C - FinishO/C ColorO/C
Stator47 08mm (.31)08 Stator with a Line01 Lt. Gray1
10mm (.39)10 Stator with a Wide Indicator Line02 Black3
13mm (.51)13 Example


(Stator, 21mm, with a Line, Black)

15mm (.59)15
21mm (.82)21
28mm (1.10)28
36mm (1.42)36
45mm (1.77)45
8mmContact Beckwith Electronics for Specifications

O/C = Ordering Code Note: The Stator with a Line (O/C 01) is available in Lt. gray only. The Stator with a wide indicator line (O/C 02) is available in Black only.