Beckwith Electronics

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Hurst Manufacturing

M Series Timing Motors TIMING MOTORS:
M Series

This Series has been Discontinued


Two new low cost motors with traditional Hurst quality
Torque to 30 oz/in
2 Gear train styles
CW or CCW rotation
Choice of electronically biased or rugged electromechanical directional systems

Low cost permanent magnet synchronous models in popular sizes and mountings, voltages and frequencies, to interchange directly with familiar types.

NOTE: All models listed below are pear shape gearboxes. Consult Beckwith Electronics for round style.

M Series Discontinued for reference only
Model Part
Voltage HZ Input
Torque Rotation
M002 M002-P001 50/60 115 50/60 3W 5 CCW
M002 M002-P002 50/60 115 50/60 3W 5 CW
M002 M002-P003 25/30 115 50/60 3W 13 CCW
M002 M002-P004 25/30 115 50/60 3W 13 CW
M002 M002-P005 10/12 115 50/60 3W 20 CCW
M002 M002-P006 10/12 115 50/60 3W 20 CW
M002 M002-P007 8.33/10 115 50/60 3W 5 CCW
M002 M002-P008 8.33/10 115 50/60 3W 5 CW
M002 M002-P009 5/6 115 50/60 3W 5 CCW
M002 M002-P010 5/6 115 50/60 3W 5 CW
M004 M004-P001 1.67/2 120 50/60 2.5W 20 CCW
M004 M004-P002 1.67/2 120 50/60 2.5W 20 CW
M004 M004-P003 .83/1 120 50/60 2.5W 20 CCW
M004 M004-P004 .83/1 120 50/60 2.5W 20 CW
M004 M004-P005 .42/.5 120 50/60 2.5W 20 CCW
M004 M004-P006 .42/.5 120 50/60 2.5W 20 CW
M004 M004-P007 .028/.033 120 50/60 2.5W 20 CCW
M004 M004-P008 .028/.033 120 50/60 2.5W 20 CW